Nfl gay pride shirt

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I guess BLM didn't work, so this is next. But the strategy from the enemies is to rub everyone's face in this stuff and make it distasteful, and cause division. If the dude just came and played, and oh by the way - he's gay, there would be little fanfare.

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It's just another shot to try and take out the country one industry at a time. At the end of the day, the people pushing the buttons are trying to wreck the NFL because it generates so much money and business not only for the teams, but the surrounding businesses of food, gifts, hotels & travel, clothing, etc. To me - all of this is about hurting America. they even went on to say, 'Football is transgender' and 'Football is bisexual' - before the video ended with, 'Football is for everyone.' The clip, which is 30 seconds in length, added, 'Football is lesbian. releasing a powerful video Monday that featured the message, 'Football is gay.' The NFL is making it clear it stands firmly with the LGBTQ+ community. NFL Releases Powerful Video 'FOOTBALL IS GAY'

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